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 San Juan River, Rio San Juan, Birding, Birdwatching...


¨For your bird watching tours on Rio SanJuan Champa¨   Moyse Arana will be your guide...

Before joining the team he  has been working for MARENA ( Government administration for national Park Protection ) as a RANGER.

He followed various specialized curse upon Nature Interpretation dedicating  his free time to bird studies...

He became the only true real Expert in  Birding Birdwatching  in Rio San Juan...

He is also currently training with us young of the area than no doubts have the talents to become Professional Birding guides

jabiru.jpg (10566 bytes)Share their Experience...


Recent Visitors:

Andrew Russell    England

Roberta Morris    USA

Contact me by E mail will be my pleasure to forward you their contact  E MAIL




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The entire Rio San Juan area  is a wetland of international importance under the RAMSAR convention. Over 400 species of birds have been reported in studies of the area.


Obviously birdwatching is all around, but we suggest these specific sites:


* From the deck and miradors of La Esquina del Lago overlooking 20 acres of protected wetlands, one can view many species ( 64... so far has been identified December 2010 )  including waders, hummingbirds, flycatchers and warblers.


*  Along Rio Frio and nearby ponds of Los Guatuzos


* On Rio San Juan: Isla del Pitazo, Rio Pocosol, and small wetlands.


* In nearby wildlife reserves of Los Guatuzos, Medio Queso, Cano Negro, and Indio Mais.


* In the Solentiname Archipelago: Islas Zapote, Mancaron, La Venada and San Fernando.


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 Birding , Birdwatching are  EVERYWHERE  San Juan River area...  

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Prime Birding Birdwatching is also available from our Private Observatory, located on second floor of La Esquina del Lago in Reserva de vida silvestre Los Guatuzos

So far ( December 2010 ) we identified 62 Different birds from our Decks and Observatories

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Thousands and thousand of birds are around lodge, in Solentiname Archipelago, San Juan River,  Medio Quesso,  the wildlife reserve of Los Guatuzos and Cano Negro...


Amazing the quantity of birds on some islands of Solentiname Archipielago.. some Islands are White..

( Guano)


NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC came  several times to Rio Saan Juan, I understand why....


Living here all year round in our little Paradise we enjoy special moments ...

How could I ever forget  this morning when, with Paul, Yves And Augusto, we were fishing surrounded by thousands of Cormorants  feeding on San Juan River close from San Carlos

Incredibly they were all around the boat feeding on the same small sardines than our Giant Tarpons


          Some of the Birds around La Esquina del Lago:

Amazon Kingfisher, American Kestrel , American Pygmy Kingfisher, Anhinga, American Widgeon, Bare-Throated Tiger-Heron, Black-bellied, Black-Shouldered Kite, Black Vultures, Blue-Winged Teal,  Black-necked Stilt,  Cattle Egret,  Crested Caracara, Great Egret, Green Heron, Green Ibis, Laughing Falcon, Lesser Yellow Headed Vulture, Little Blue Heron, Mangrove Swallow, Nicaraguan Grackle, Olivaceous Cormorant, Osprey, Parrots,  Northern Shoveler,  Ringed Kingfisher, Snail Kite, Roadside Hawk,  Roseate Spoonbills, Spotted Sandpiper, Squirrel Cuckoo, Sun Grebe, Tiger Heron, Turkey Vulture, Whistling-Duck, White and Green Ibis, Wood Stork, etc.


LIFE BIRDS galore??

We organize from lodge BIRD WATCHING TOURS  in the entire Rio San Juan area ...

Birding,  guides are lead by MOYSES ARANA He has been trained for many years  and now train the youngest.. They  are all  native from the area,  they live all year round on the river banks,  since they born they  have been in contact with Nature.. and the birds..

For information please e mail Philippe:   riosanjuan@racsa,co.cr  




NEW 2011   Nicaragua Rio san Juan

All Include Birdwatcher Packages  


From 3 days Two nights till .... ( We had parties than stayed 2 weeks studying here).


Birding Packages  include:  Airport Pickup, Transfer, Lodging, Guides, Boats, Meals..


They are Organized  from Managua Nicaragua

or San Jose Costa Rica International Airports



   We meet  you at the International Airport of Managua or San Jose 


Birding will be in Rio Frio, Rio San Juan, Wild life reserve of Los Guatuzo, Reserva Indio Mais, Medio Queso, Solentiname Archipelago...     riosanjuan@racsa,co.cr  





La Esquina del Lago

Hotel Jungle River Lodge in National Park Reserva de vida silvestre  Los Guatuzos,

Bocana de Rio Frio, San Carlos, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua.

Tel  ( 505 ) 88 49 06 00        ( 506 )  88 42 76 73    E-MAIL Click

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HOME    Hotel, Tours  La Esquina del Lago, Jungle River Lodge  Rio San Juan   Nicaragua,  E MAIL