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Ideally located at 5 minutes by boat rom town of San Carlos and it's facilities...

But In peace and Natural beauty of Refugio de vida silvestre Los Guatuzos...

24 h solar energy 110v , Treated Rain water, Internet, Cellular phone access....



  Meals: local  and International  Cuisine



In all central America the basic of Meals are Rice and beans, Beans and rice and Tortillas... it is called Gallo Pinto, Casado, or Arroz con Frijolles  whatever the name... It is basically the same


As in no way I can give  my guests rice and beans for Breakfast, Lunch and dinner during several days   I had to do something... 


I decided to  add on the local traditional Menu some  French dishes , and international cooking I learned from my Travel...  Guests talk of My GOURMET CUISINE   


Also around some interesting Typical local Dishes:

Well the famous Gallo Pinto but also  El Bao, El Indio Viejo, la Hola de carne , The Tortillas, El Casado, Los Picadillos, and a lot of tropical fruits: Mango, Pineaple, maracuja, mamon chino, ....



Dinning Room



We  offer large comfortable clean rooms each with full private bath.

Due to location of lodge on the river and great Lake  banks NO NEED FOR AIRCO, Rooms are naturally cool and well ventilated



Meals at La Esquina Del Lago...  Cuisine

I love to cook.. Have been teaching a lot to Tania  our Chef, Petrona. Liliane who have been working in the best French restaurants in Paris has been very  helpful...

Yes it is possible to offer not only meals but Cuisine on Rio San Juan using local products..


All is fresh at La Esquina del Lago restaurant...We never use Frozen products...


Water is  Purified water...  Ice is done also with Purified water


Breakfast is from 7 am.. till 9 am 

 Café? Tea?  Gallo Pinto with eggs, Omelettes, some  hot fresh bread, Butter, Various  Marmalade , Pan Cakes.. Fruits according to season Pineapple, Banana "Jardin", Mango , Fresh fruit juice..


Lunch is from 12md till 2pm

Main course it can be fresh Fish, Chicken, Beaf..Served with vegetables, Salads, and fresh natural fruit juice..

If on tours it will be at friends home or Ranchos on the river banks.. It can also be  on one of Solentiname Island Obviously there will be some rice and beans around, but then we add Yucca or Tiquisque , Fresh Fish, Chicken  , and some eventual  exotics surprises ...   .

Aboard the boats we always have  in our coolers,  Fruits , Cookies, Purified water  and various soft drinks...


Dinner  From 6.30pm till 8 pm.

They are more "sophisticated "...

May be you like some apertif? Our specialty is Ti Punch...

Then Entree ; Carpacho, Ceviche, Pipian, Cold fish with home made Mayonaise...

 Main course, Fresh fish,  It can be grilled , or filet, with different sauce, French style with wiping cream and Mushrooms, In tomatoes and Oignons, In Garlic sauce, a la normande, au court bouillon..etc....

We also may have some of our famous River scrimps, or  Chicken, or meat Beef, Pork,  all this can be cooked at La parilla o a la plancha,  etc..

Desert Banane Flambees, Crepes Suzette, Quatre cart, Limon pie...

These dinner are served with Fresh fruit natural juice, Cafe is include.

Beers and bottles of wine red or  white on request


 More upon meals, Recipe, Cooking...

River scrimps, Langostinos, Camarones de Rio, Ouassou...

They are still some in our area more and more difficult to get but we always try...

They are the opportunity to make some living  for some  family located in the jungle. Wild Camarones de Rio almost disappear every where in the world ( For Example No way to find them in the Caribbean islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe in the FWI , Long ago it was the delicatessen  Ouassou ... now  gone but people are still "Crazy for them " , a gentleman  from there asked  me to send some... he wanted to send me a Charter Jet every week.!!!..).


Around San Carlos people fish them at night in the Jungle river aboard small wooden pirogue. No way to use conventional Trap, they use an open on top wooden box with stones in it , 10/15 feet rope and a buoy they put a Bait ( Any dead fish would work but The best is a Machaca ) wait a few hours then slowly lift the basquet ...if there is 3 River scrimps in the box at this moment they will probably get one in the boat. Per night using 20 traps they will probably collect between 5 to 10  River Scrimps...A tuff fishing  but enough to make a living....
These river scrimps are around 1lb each.. Almost a lobster ...body is around 8/9 inch long , claws up to 12 inches!!!
Very very aggressive they are really dangerous to catch , the bit do cut a lot..the only way is they catch your hand or finger is to not move...  Easy to say....
I am always impressed when I see the little boys catching them, they have a very precise technique they distract their attention with one hand and with the other grab them by the back....Not easy
In most of our trip we buy some from our friends on the river banks and have a Special dinner with our guests...this is a Unique meal...in my opinion much better than lobster.
Our area is one of the few place in the world where you can eat this wild specie it is impossible to eat in Europe or in state , whatever the Restaurant you go , whatever the price ...Exist  farming  of somewhere similar specie in the Caribbean also in Costa RICA ,  the great producer are in Asia , Please Trust me I also did try this Farm ones  NOTHING COMPARE to the wild one we have here...



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phil1.jpg (28586 bytes)Recipe  One of my  favorite French Sauce...  

I call this sauce , "La tentation du fils de Jean".

All of you know how simple we are ( " the Improvised French cooks" ) as soon as we talk Cuisine...

In reality this sauce apart from it's name is very simple...

Filet a fish , I enjoyed  this sauce with Grouper ( Merou in Greece ) , Flounders ( in Normandie France ), Dorado ( in Florida and St Martin FWI ) , Snook ( in San Carlos), Rainbow Bass ( In San carlos ) etc etc...in reality in my opinion it match almost all fish...
Well LETS GO...Cut your fish filet in steaks, length around 5/7 inch, wide 4/5 inch, thick from 1/2 inch up to 1 inch.....in order these piece of fish do not attach the Frying pan you can put some Flour around them....A FEW please...
Take a small frying pan put in it Butter or Olive Oil... when it is very hot , start to fry some  mushrooms ..( 1 can ) . Once the mushrooms are well fried ( they have to be a bit burn so more testy ) , Stop cooking, add some whipping cream ( 2 cup ) it has to be the Salted one in no way the one used for decorating cake we need NO SUGAR, "Creme fraiche" I WAS ABLE TO FIND in any Super market when I was living in Florida sorry I forgot the exact name or brand.. ,  then add  the juice of half a lime, Chopped Garlic ( a few , but a Must , very thin ) Chopped  oignon ( just a little bit , fewer than the Garlic, also very thin), salt and Black pepper according to your taste, Mix all that carefully while you start to cook with very low heat.......THIS SAUCE must be very hot but MUST NEVER BE BOILING DURING THE ENTIRE PROCESS THIS IS THE SECRET...Keep it hot...And taste, taste, taste...adding eventually, lime juice, salt, black pepper according to your preference.....The final touch is to had a bit of chopped Parsley...
Apart, cook you Fish filets...They can be steam ( perfect for some fish ) or better fry in Butter or Olive Oil..( Please Only a few in the Frying pan) .careful if you decide to fry your fish parts when you put them in the Frying pan it has to be very hot....cook according to you taste ...but do not over cook as it generally will destroy the taste of fish...
Once the fish cook and hot, Put it in your most beautiful service Plate, you can add some Chopped parsley and Parts of lime on the side for presentation...( Colors )  , serve the sauce apart , each of your guest will take the quantity he wish....
You can serve this plate with White rice , or Boiled Potatoes...Simple.
As an eventual wine I recommend a Dry white wine...It can be from  France.( a Muscadet , un gros plan, or better a Pouilly fuisse for Example..) ..but they are also excellent dry white wines from California, Chile , or Argentina...( some of my French compatriot will not forgive me for writing this !! but it is true nowadays good affordable wines is no more a French exclusivity )
That's it...and it is easy I do this Recipe in our Jungle of San Juan river...I think It will be easier in the comfort of your Kitchen...
Bon apetit...

Sometime I feel really sorry for my poor English...if something sound really strange or is totally impossible to understand please E mail me WILL DO ALL MY BEST TO HELP...

( Note It´s been a new experience for me to try write a Recipe in English...not easy I hope it is understandable... Let me Know... )


La Esquina del Lago

Hotel Jungle River Lodge in National Park Reserva de vida silvestre  Los Guatuzos,

Bocana de Rio Frio, San Carlos, Rio San Juan, Nicaragua.

Tel  ( 505 ) 88 49 06 00        ( 506 )  88 42 76 73    E-MAIL Click

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References:     Testimonials


HOME    Hotel, Tours  La Esquina del Lago, Jungle River Lodge  Rio San Juan   Nicaragua,  E MAIL